LAKOTA ELDER VINCENT BLACK FEATHER @whitebuffalomovie @ethanmarten @eyesoftheroshi #filmmaker IG: @az_seasons_mag Twitter: @AzSeasonsMag @AzSeasons
Lakota Elder Vincent Black Feather during
his interview for White Buffalo:
An American Prophecy.
Vincent is the Wicasa Wakan for the Oceti Sakowin Spiritual Leader for the Seven Council Fires of the Lakota Nation.
The Lakota tell of how 2,000 years a divine female Spirit named White Buffalo Calf Woman came to present precious cultural and spiritual gifts.
She promised to return at the end of the cosmic era during a great time of planetary transformation.
When White Buffalo Calf Woman originally came to the Nation, upon her departure she told the People:
“I must leave you now, but I will return someday. Then there will be a new life and a new understanding.”
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